Hurrah, huzzah and 'Ally-bloomin-loo-yer. We finally have an internet connection! It has simply taken ages. I never thought it would mean that much to us, but it really has been frustrating trying to run the business without it. Not as frustrating as trying to get set up with Talktalk though. Mike is thankful for not being the most hairy-headed fellow around, as he hasn't had to endure the pain of pulling it all out clump by clump dealing with them. Two weeks of bungled, mis-informed telephone calls later, and those were the ones we weren't hung up on, we found out that 'someone had cancelled the original agreement and we would have to start all over again, if we wanted'. Well, no siree! No thankee indeedy! We phoned BT, and in little over a week later are now fully operational and ready to roll. That big sigh you can probably hear is our collective relief! Smooth operations are now the order of the day, and getting back up to speed with blogland is next priority!
Posted are some photos of the 'new adventures in silk' I'm working on. I'm going to have to come clean- I am totally hooked on the flow of silk paints! I have only started with smaller items to get the feel, but today I stretched on a large cushion, applied my design and had fun with salt. The results are stunning, although the colour hasn't shown up as in real life. Eventually I would like to apply the silk paints as close to fine art as I can get- but that wont be for a while yet! In the meantime, what colours can I mix up now! Oh, and that hairy rolling pin picture turned out to be the grey/green stripey scarf, in case you were wondering! Enjoy!