Sunday 21 June 2009

More book illustrations.......

A couple of further illustrations ready for perusal. I'm really getting into this type of artwork, as you can do what you will in essence... a real sense of freedom goes with cartooning. It's satisfying drawing with a sense of humour too, as life sometimes needs a lift from the daily trials. A welcome, light-hearted break is just the tonic on occasion. I think my soul must have needed this commission, as I have taken to it avariciously- I cannot seem to pull away and get on with some oil paintings I HAVE  to start on. I need one of those clone brush tools my husband has on his photoshop program to duplicate myself... although in reality, the thought of two of me not getting on with something is a scary thought indeed! Enjoy....


Norma Pugh said...

I can't wait to read this book with your illustrations. Love the little turtle who is out! It is really good that you are enjoying doing these cartoons. When are you going to come to the end of your talents? Never I think. Love Mems and Peps xx

Serena said...

Bless you Mems and Peps! Hopefully this arty 'thing' will never end, as I would hate to have to go back to work again!!!! Glad you like the drawings- can't wait to see the finished book! xxx