Saturday 31 January 2009

Well it's about time too..

Hurrah, huzzah and 'Ally-bloomin-loo-yer. We finally have an internet connection! It has simply taken ages. I never thought it would mean that much to us, but it really has been frustrating trying to run the business without it. Not as frustrating as trying to get set up with Talktalk though. Mike is thankful for not being the most hairy-headed fellow around, as he hasn't had to endure the pain of pulling it all out clump by clump dealing with them. Two weeks of bungled, mis-informed telephone calls later, and those were the ones we weren't hung up on, we found out that 'someone had cancelled the original agreement and we would have to start all over again, if we wanted'. Well, no siree! No thankee indeedy! We phoned BT, and in little over a week later are now fully operational and ready to roll. That big sigh you can probably hear is our collective relief! Smooth operations are now the order of the day, and getting back up to speed with blogland is next priority!

Posted are some photos of the 'new adventures in silk' I'm working on. I'm going to have to come clean- I am totally hooked on the flow of silk paints! I have only started with smaller items to get the feel, but today I stretched on a large cushion, applied my design and had fun with salt. The results are stunning, although the colour hasn't shown up as in real life. Eventually I would like to apply the silk paints as close to fine art as I can get- but that wont be for a while yet! In the meantime, what colours can I mix up now! Oh, and that hairy rolling pin picture turned out to be the grey/green stripey scarf, in case you were wondering! Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Nice to see you are back!!
Like your latest works and the look of the rolling pin with wool?
the ways of the modern world especially art do seem connected to the web and you are a bit lost without it. BT for all its faults will always be there You just do not know about any of theses other.By the waywe have snow!

~Babs said...

Serena! I've knocked several times,,,now I know why you didn't open the door to me!

Love, love all these silks! Now tell me, did you paint all the solid color,,,brown, blue,,,on white silk before adding the design? My daughter would die for these,,,,she's just redecorated using these colors,,,and the designs are fabulicious!

(I can't bear being without internet,,like a day without sunshine!,,,so glad for you that it's all wrinkle free!)

Serena said...

Hi Chris! Thank you for popping by with your kind comments. The rolling pin technique has been a lot of fun- I'd recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind getting their hands dirty! As for BT they may be a little dearer, but at least they get it sorted!
Enjoy the snow- we have yet to get ours! Like you I can't wait for a good photo opportunity :o)

Serena said...

Dearest Babs- come on in and take a pew! (family joke!) I've got the kettle all ready!! Biscuits too, of course! Nice to chat again- I love the internet a tad more than I should I think. Thankfully we are all systems go and I can stop sulking!
The silks are all white blanks which I have been attacking in various ways. I bought a dvd of two very nice ladies teaching the wonderful world of silk techniques- don't think it will top the dvd charts, but I thoroughly enjoyed it! The method you have picked up on is something called Serti, and is very close to the glass painting method with relief lines. I just got a blank, stretched it on a frame, and then 'drew' my design on with a tube of resist (gunk!) Then painted inside each section once the resist barrier had dried, with different strengths and shades of colour, and chucked a bit of salt around for good measure! Voila! Easy-peasy and effective- life is good!! I'm glad you like them- if you get a chance I know you'd fall in love with it as it can be so beautifully abstract in the way it flows x :o)

~Babs said...

Don't mind me,,,,I'm just popping in,,,go back to work, I'll help myself.
So glad I din't miss all this information,,,,inquiring minds, ya know.
Well, "easy-peasy" says you!
Doesn't sound so to me, my dear,,,I'll just have a biscuit and watch,,,,

Serena said...

Lol! I've budged up on the bench now! Let's get messy!!! Fancy doing anything with a camisole top?! x